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Page 7
The site turned into a blog
24 Nov 2005
This is my first post. Well, I have for a long time not understood the reasons for these blogs if you are able to make sites yourself. But now I decided that ok, I should try and this site actually fits very well being a blog. The old version of the site is still available [...]
My History
3 Jun 2005
I consider myself a rather special person as I am not like others. To understand it I will give you some information about the history of my life. When I was child I was not doing so well and was generally afraid and actually under bad influence. I was often sick and additionally didn't see [...]
Uppsats: Liv i universum
3 Jun 2005
Vill med denna uppsats ge en objektiv inblick och presentera en del uppgifter i en fråga som varit med människan under tusentals år. Är vi som människo-ras ensamma? Eller är vi bara ett släkte likt många andra? Svaren på dessa frågor har inte officiellt besvarats och kommer kanske aldrig heller att göras. Jag själv har [...]
Insändare: Förstörde el-chocker min mormors liv?
5 Mar 2005
Jag var min mormors favoritbarnbarn. Hon var en trogen kristen och jag minns att jag ofta som barn fick sitta bredvid henne i hennes lägenhet och titta på bilder från bibeln. När jag gick i högstadiet började jag höra om mormors underligheter. Hon började ofta ringa hem till oss för att prata med min mamma, [...]
Dikt: Livets lycka
21 Jan 2005
Livet är ett spel. Man kan tycka... att man saknar betydelse. att man kontrolleras och man inget kan påverka. Man kan tycka... att livets spel kan liknas vid ett schack. att man är en betydelselös bonde i detta schack, kontrollerad och inget kan påverka. Livet är ett spel. Man kan tycka... att man är obetydlig [...]
The Ultimate Ritual
6 Jan 2005
Aliath felt the wind blowing through his white hair. The cold air made an effect on him even though he was a High-Elf. He was the last person existing who had been around since more than thousand years - almost the beginning of time. He has done everything that could be imagined, seen man performing [...]
My Secrets of Web Design
6 Jan 2005
I have now finished making my third web site. The first two I made in 1999 and this one I finished today. I was very satisfied with the result and by considering that I spent not more than 5 days making it (all texts cut and paste of course) I decided to write this essay [...]
"Mr. Wilson, you are not supposed to know."
6 Jan 2005
I think I should begin by telling you who I am. My name is Freddy Ivanov and I am 17 years old, I think. I am writing this letter as a last communication from the human species, because I am the last human. ##READ-MORE-LINK## I was born in the human rescue facilities underground and my [...]
Finished my novel one way through, next steps
26 Jun 2004
It was long since I wrote my last essay about fiction writing. I have been busy on my duties in the organization I work but I never lost my purpose on the writing. Some weeks ago I was put on a watch cycle for a few days. In that time I was writing full time [...]
Jims' Three Laws of Logic Behind Looking
3 May 2004
As it starts to be a tradition for a great Sci-Fi writer to have established their own three laws, (Asimov, Clark etc.) I have done the same. As I am a philosophical fiction writer, my three laws are about the logic behind looking. What is true is that which you have seen yourself. In order [...]
29 Apr 2004
- Planeten Lexus - Dödens stillsamma tystnad rådde över planeten Lexus. Planeten hade en varit en vacker skapelse fylld av liv, hopp och drömmar bland dess invånare fram till det att allt slog fel. Nu befann sig livet nere på organismernas nivå, vilka kämpade för att överleva mot radioaktiviteten som täckte jordytan. ##READ-MORE-LINK## Det fanns [...]
Lista över avstånd
28 Apr 2004
(Jag skrev denna lista som ett stöd till mitt skrivande av denna roman.) ##READ-MORE-LINK## Namn: Position: Avstånd: Jorden Utkanten av galaxen. 19 ljusår från planet 1.20 325 ljusår från planeten Tylo. Tylo Nära mitten mellan galaxens ände och centrum. 29 675 ljusår från den edialiska federationen.20 325 ljusår från planeten Jorden. Edialiska federationen Nära centrum [...]
Lista över karaktärer
28 Apr 2004
(Jag skrev denna lista som ett stöd till mitt skrivande av denna roman.) ##READ-MORE-LINK## Freddy Ivanov Den sista människan på planet 1, han som skrev brevet. Isaac Ivanov Freddys far. Ingenjör och rebell ledare i flykten. Steiner Den person som lade fram de första teserna om arti-mind. Dred Nilson VD av PECR Inc. som sedan [...]
28 Apr 2004
(Jag skrev denna tidslinje som ett stöd till mitt skrivande av denna roman.) ##READ-MORE-LINK## Planet 1 (Lexus): År: Händelse: 0 Steiner lägger fram de första teserna om Arti-mind. 100 De fysiska vetenskaperna fick en renässans, det mänskliga sinnet kodifieras och metoden för duplicering av sinessbilder blir verklighet. 102 Arti-mind skapas och så även de första [...]
Lista över begrepp
28 Apr 2004
(Jag skrev denna lista som ett stöd till mitt skrivande av denna roman.) ##READ-MORE-LINK## Begrepp: NEO Namn på en Gud men senare i kapitel åtta avslöjas detta begrepp att vara en täckmantel och visar sig vara en central operationsrobot. Avslöjas vidare att det är ett strategiskt program uträknat av arti-mind för att rädda galaxen. Står [...]
Tekniska termer över robotens funktioner
27 Apr 2004
(Jag skrev ner dessa termer som ett stöd till mitt skrivande av denna roman.) ##READ-MORE-LINK## Central Memory Bank (CMB): CMBCentral Memory Bank - det minne som alla robotar är uppkopplade med. Finns lagrat på den underjordiska operationsbasen på Planet 1 i ett 90 kubikmeters betongblock. Innehåller 8.7 millioner terrabytes, 67 000 kopierade sinnen och 403 [...]
Insight on Purpose
23 Apr 2004
I recently realized something about purpose that was very nice for me. I saw that behind everything you do there is a purpose, a purpose behind that exact action. There is nothing done for no purpose, you can always find out the purpose behind something being done. The purpose does not always have to be [...]
My Dream
29 Jan 2004
It is in my belief that creation, imagination, future-speculations and demonstrations concerning the deep philosophical questions are a much higher activity of man and I consider it one of his superior virtues. That field is Science Fiction - and that is why I am a Sci-Fi writer. If man would spend some more time communicating [...]
The Curious Robot
14 Jan 2004
Notice: The below short story was written by me back in january 2004 when I was 21 and English is not my native language. In June 2012 an author of school textbooks for Indian students, Ritu Taneja, reached out to me and I gave her permission to use this story in a textbook for the [...]
About Stereotype Fiction Stories
1 Jan 2004
I have recently reviewed some "story writing tech". There were based on the idea that there has to be a quest, then a conflict, good and bad guys, then the good guy is seeming to loose but in the end he makes it go right and wins anyway. This is complete CRAP. There is NO [...]
The Plot Summary
1 Jan 2004
The Importance of Writing
1 Jan 2004
Recently while writing I could see something intereresting. I could see that the important thing was to write. While writing I then got more materials to write and work on and the ideas came to me. The important thing is to write.
Tools of a Fiction Writer
6 Sep 2003
The following is per what I so far have noted to be the tools of a fiction writer: Time shifts This is a common one. For example a new chapter starts one month later on the story. It can also be indirectly or directly communicated. Point of view shifts For example it is first from [...]
Realization on Interest
30 Aug 2003
I just recently made a realization about interest. As I have been writing I have been sending my work to my father and mother. I have also been telling to other people some stories etc. But how do I know if the person is really interested or only says so to not hurt me. Then [...]
Entertainment Games
27 Aug 2003
I thought about writing an essay on entertainment games and here it comes. By entertainment games I mean card games, board games, computer games and role games, which are the different types of games I know of. I have always been interesting in games and have been playing a lot in my life all the [...]
How to get ideas to write
21 Jun 2003
While writing fiction I found out that for me 80% of the work is done in the mind. As I also have a pretty hard time to find any time to write at all the writing time becomes something golden. As for me it can take 2-3 weeks before I have any possible to write [...]
The Intergalactic Rebel Troop Leader
10 May 2003
The new pilot of the Intergalactic Rebel Troop was desperate to find his leader. They had lost each other as he had made a mistake on the strategic defence operation Alpha 17 by having gone to wrong location. He had misunderstood the mission orders which had brought him in confusion - something he realized when [...]
The Vision
9 May 2003
Ken McLeod was rocking with the chair daydreaming. Algebra was boring for him, too easy. "Ken! Don't rock with the chair!" Said Miss Lansteiner. Ken made himself to sit properly and looked at the black board. Too simple for him. Miss Lansteiner was a hard teacher and he didn't like her. Ken glanced over the [...]
Rules, Good or Bad?
18 Apr 2003
I recently made some speculations about rules for a group and realized something. I had for several years had the idea that Directives, Policy and rules is not good and only for them who "are not clever enough". I had the idea that it is much better to operate on logic and that the person [...]
My Input on Theories About Intelligence by Isaac Asimov
2 Feb 2003
I have studied the works of Isaac Asimov and I do admire his stories which inspired me a lot in my own writings. But I became a bit disappointed when I found out that Asimov has a materialistic viewpoint. In one of his essays he laid out that if mankind would be replaced by robots [...]