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Page 6
Very nice christmas celebration with my family
24 Dec 2005
I was away some days celebrating christmas with my family for two days. First my father and my little brother played bowling - that was real fun :). Then air hockey - real action, excitement and fun. The next day I was playing computer games with my little brother until the nice dinner. After that [...]
First annual report, my success online
21 Dec 2005
On the 5th of December 2004 I returned to Sweden after having been worked in a non-profit organization in Denmark for 5 years. I had no contact with internet during those years and before that in 1999 I had only some minor basic knowledge with HTML. Everything I owned then was about $40, around 20 [...]
Google backlinks just updated
19 Dec 2005
Just noticed it, it must have happened in the last few hours. Google is not updating the backlinks regularly like MSN and for some strange reason only shows part of them and in a random manner. My advice is to always use MSN when checking links. It also seem like MSN is listing the backlinks [...]
Google knows about your backlinks
18 Dec 2005
Google knows probably a lot more than you think. This is a blog post by Matt Cutts (Google Engineer): "Tell me about your backlinks" Google might not like that text links are being bought but in my opinion I see no problem with that. You pay for advertising, just like adwords. Now, I agree that [...]
Yahoo algo update
18 Dec 2005
A few days ago Yahoo updated it's algo. My Swedish company web site went from #3 to #1 on the keyword webbdesign (swedish for web design), so I am pleased. But it is interesting that I have not done any changes at all on the site since months, I have just been adding backlinks. By [...]
What one Dianetics book did in Siberia
17 Dec 2005
This is an incredible true story of what one single book could do in Siberia. It is some interesting reading. ##READ-MORE-LINK## *Book One is what we call "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health." The Hubbard College is a training facility where people learn to use (in their businesses) the administrative technology developed by L. [...]
How to write DOS text on your site
17 Dec 2005
Do you want web site text that looks like DOS text? Here is the CSS that produces what you see on this page: .dos { width: 400px; background: #000; padding:30px; font-size: 9pt; font-family: fixedsys, LucidaTerminal, monospace; color: #909090; text-align: left; overflow:auto; border: 5px solid #909090; } Good luck! New added: I made this for fun, [...]
New site bought -
14 Dec 2005
Yesterday I purchased on an auction. It is a very nice site with RSS news, SEO tools, a directory, articles and more with a nice design as well. Also PR 4. It is the final element I needed and will work as a center for my SEO sites, services and resources. As soon I [...]
I got chapter 1 and 2 back from my teacher
13 Dec 2005
Spoke to my writing teacher today and she gave me back the first two chapters of my Sci-Fi novel with feedback. I had turned them in for evaluation and now I just want to say one thing: It is hard ...
What is freedom?
12 Dec 2005
Do you know what real freedom is? Does anybody know what it is? Is it possible to know it? Well, let's discuss :) From my own philosophical studies on this subject on works written in 1954 by Mr Hubbard (golden essay Trapped) I came to understand this subject much better and I would like to [...]
Double intelligence, how would it be?
12 Dec 2005
Some years ago I remember that I had to get some inspiration for my sci-fi writing. I was kind of surveying some friends of mine who also studied philosophy about how a being with the double intelligence of man would operate. How would a being with let say 350 IQ operate? I was mentioning means [...]
Someone put my post in
12 Dec 2005
My post Frames with CSS got submitted by someone to the design section of to and I got about 70 visitors by it. 10 people digged it so far (2 days later). Not enough to reach the home page but still ok. As soon I have a moment more I will try to explore [...]
Changed theme! (again)
12 Dec 2005
This one I really like! Much better than the other one and I have integrated all the nice features that I had before. This one was not part of the around 200 themes that I was browsing before to select the previous one. I arrived to this one by following a signature link of a [...]
Frames with CSS!
10 Dec 2005
I made it! After some hours I have now managed to put an idea into reality. It was not easy but now I am happy that I made it. Site: If you scroll it will look like as if you have frames but in fact it is just CSS. It was not easy to [...]
Novell: Middag för två
9 Dec 2005
"Idag är det den tredje februari - årsfirandet av Europas förentas staters sammanslagning. I 250 år har vi upprätthållit en gemensam broderskap i den Telluspeiska storheten, må vi blomstra och uppehålla freden på vår planet för evigt ..." Triles stängde av radion med ett knytnävslag. Han kunde inte uttrycka hur mycket han hatade den Telluspeiska [...]
Fantasy novell: Den siste magikern
9 Dec 2005
Brödraskapet Leo visste hur viktig deras nästa uppdrag var. Denna gången kom instruktionerna direkt från kejsaren. De fem männen satt runt sitt bord i sin hemliga näste i underjorden. Deras sysselsättning för de senaste timmarna utgjordes av att fastställa den exakta planen. De kände bara till den siste magikern till namn, hur han såg ut [...]
Novell: Vägskälet
9 Dec 2005
Detta var slutet. Det skulle bli en befrielse från verkligheten med det mörka samvetet. Han var en mördare, ett faktum som tagit honom lång tid att acceptera. En människa hade förlorat sitt liv på grund av honom. Det fanns inga vänner, ingen som gillade honom och ingen som skulle komma att sakna honom. Människan var [...]
Prosadikt: Han visste
9 Dec 2005
Det var här han hade sett det. Erik tittade ner i gläntan och återfick bilderna av det oerhörda, overkliga och mystiska. Det var en oförglömlig hemlighet som endast han burit, ty det fanns inga ord för det han skådat och de känslor det framkallat. Han såg det som igår, det starka ljuset och den överväldigande [...]
GoogleBot ate my bandwidth!
8 Dec 2005
Yesterday I got an automatic e-mail from my web host that this site has consumed 80% of the bandwidth. I was thinking that it was very stange, it is just in the beginning of the month and I don't get so many visitors. My bandwidth is on 2 GB. I checked the my statcounter but [...]
New site bought -
7 Dec 2005
I thought that I should increase my collection of web sites and so I bought on an auction. It is a directory of authors and their published work. It has great potential with over 5K pages with lot's of text and as I know I can make it PR 5 I think I will [...]
New jewel from Randfish, just released
5 Dec 2005
Once again, Rand and his team impress us with a new fantastic 9 pages guide to SEO - for free. Many years of knowledge goes into such a piece. Here it is: Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization Can you afford NOT to read it? :)
Poem: Something Special
4 Dec 2005
There was a very special matter and some special supreme forces. Something happened and the matter exploded. The supreme forces then evolved the exploded matter into systems of an infinite amount of shining balls. Some of these shining balls were more special than others and there were especially one that came to have a very [...]
My Viewpoint on Trust
4 Dec 2005
"On the day we can fully trust each other, there will be peace on Earth." - L. Ron Hubbard, Writer and Philosopher What is trust? What is the definition for this very often sensitive, unspoken subject? The Longman dictionary defines it the following way: ##READ-MORE-LINK## Trust Verb To believe that someone is honest and will [...]
What is time?
4 Dec 2005
What is time? Often the immediate concept that comes to mind is a clock, watch or a calendar, but what really is time? This is perhaps a very confused subject and you often hear: "I have no time.", "Time is money.", "I need to be on time" and so on. And for example the Einstein [...]
Tutorial: Feed your sites by blogging!
30 Nov 2005
Notice: This article is from 2005. I have written a new one in 2009 about this same thing but much more good that can be read here. Are you also the kind of webmaster with 5, 10 or even 20 web sites with the plan of making a living only through your own sites? How [...]
Huge amount of links added to my new site
29 Nov 2005
Some days ago I released And since 72 hours I have added the following amount of links: Two PR 7 links (both home page) Ten PR 5 links (6 sitewide and 4 home page) Ten PR 4 links (6 sitewide, 2 home page and 2 on subpages) Seven PR 3 links (4 sitewide and [...]
Future of written communication and keyboards
27 Nov 2005
Some days ago I figured about how the future keyboards will work. Communication has to do with getting an idea across to another person. While writing e-mails and using instant messaging the faster it goes the better. Actually I believe that e-mails in the future will be even more streamlined, like for example visible instantly [...]
Good way to get many links and PR
27 Nov 2005
I found an interesting thing that worked well for me in order to get PageRank and backlinks. Here it comes: Get many sites. I have so far more than 20 sites and I must say that links is no problem now. I have been buying sites on auctions that already had PR and made those [...]
My Guide to SEO and Success
27 Nov 2005
This is a guide I worked out myself from what I have observed and learned in the field of SEO. It was originally posted by me on Digital Point SEO Forums and has been updated since then. ##READ-MORE-LINK## Keyword Research Work out the best keywords to target based on relevance and KEI for each webpage [...]
Theory on How to Become a Genius
25 Nov 2005
EDIT: April 30, 2006: This essay was written by me in a day 2 years ago. It was never modified or revised and it contains errors in the english language. It is also highly influenced by Scientology, a religion I then was part of but I have left since then. A proper revision of this [...]